The Ultimate Guide for Painting Over Old Interior Paint

Painters Melbourne

Painting over old interior paint is easier than you think, and it’s something that many people do on a regular basis. But if you want to get the best results for your home, you need to prep properly and use the right tools. Hire experienced Painters in Melbourne to get your painting job done right. This article will explain what those tools are, how to get them ready before starting a paint job, and how to make sure your old wall color doesn’t bleed through your new one.

Prepping Properly To Get the Best Results

The most important part of repainting a wall is getting the prepping properly done by Painters Melbourne. You need to take several steps, and we’ll cover them in this post.

  • Prepare the surface by removing loose paint, cleaning it with a damp sponge or cloth, and sanding down splinters or bumps from old pain (if necessary). This will make sure that your new paint sticks without peeling off later on!
  • Prime the bare wall with a special primer designed specifically for this purpose—and don’t forget to prime any other areas where your old paint might still be hiding!

Painters Melbourne

Using the Right Tools

When it comes to painting, the tools you use can make or break your project. A paint roller is not a good option for applying paint on any wall that has been painted before. The best choice for this job is a brush with short bristles and a synthetic head. Long-pile brushes are great for applying one coat of paint over another color that’s similar in shade, but they’re less effective when working on walls with two or more layers of old paint in different colors. A sponge is helpful for getting into corners and edges where normal brushes won’t fit—try cutting off one side of an old dish sponge, so you have an angled edge (like an artist’s palette knife), then dip its edge into some water, so it’s damp but not dripping wet. You can also use these sponges to spread out excess wetness on your walls if there are drips after a coat has been applied; just be sure not to rub too hard! When removing old window trimming from around windowsills or other places where there was previously drywall installed before the wallpaper was added overtop (usually found in older homes). Use a scraper rather than sandpaper: scrapers tend ers may cause scratches if used incorrectly against plasterboard surfaces whereas sandpaper will leave marks behind even if used gently enough not too cause permanent damage.

Picking a Pro painter

When hiring a professional Painters in Melbourne, you absolutely want to make sure they have the credentials and certification that will ensure your satisfaction. Ask for references from past clients and check their qualifications. To make sure this is not an amateur, ask for a quote from several companies in your area and get bids from 3-5 different painters. You can also ask them about their insurance coverage and if they are registered with a reputed insurance service provider. The best way to avoid problems with contracts is by making sure that you read all of the fine print before signing anything!


We hope these tips have helped you to get a better understanding of how to choose the right interior paint for your home. If you need any further assistance, please contact a professional painter today with any questions or concerns.