SEO: Is optimisation for multiple pages affecting your site’s ranking?

Zib SEO in Gold Coast

As a business owner, you want to ensure that your website ranks highly in search engine results. After all, this is how potential customers are going to find you. So, you may be wondering if optimising your site for multiple pages will help your ranking. Unfortunately, the answer is not clear-cut.

SEO is an important part of any website, but when you have multiple pages optimised for different keywords, it can be difficult to know which ones work best.

Zib Digital SEO Gold Coast proposed the best ways of optimising multiple pages on their website. This means that they target specific keywords and phrases on each page in order to make it more likely that those keywords will be associated with your site.

However, there is also the possibility that optimising for multiple pages could hurt your ranking. By striking the right balance, you can help ensure that your site’s ranking will not be affected negatively by optimisation for multiple pages.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how optimisation for multiple pages can affect your site’s ranking and what you can do to make sure you’re getting the most out of your SEO strategy. Let’s get started!

What kinds of keywords should you use?

It’s important to remember that when you’re optimising for a specific keyword, it’s best not to use too many or too few. You don’t want your site’s ranking to be affected by excessive keyword stuffing.

Google often views sites with multiple optimised pages as being “keyword stuffed,” which can lead to a lower ranking. This is where Zib Digital SEO Gold Coast suggests that it’s important to carefully consider whether optimisation for multiple pages is right for your website before making any changes.

The best way to determine how much of your content should be optimised using keywords is through trial and error. If you run an online store with products like “mugs,” “coffee mugs,” and “teapot mugs,” you’ll want some of those keywords included in your title tag (a hint).

But if there aren’t many products available with those exact names or descriptions—or if they’re not relevant at all—you might find that adding more targeted terms doesn’t work as well as simply making sure most of the body text reflects those same topics.

search engine optimisation services Gold Coast

How to optimise your website for maximum visibility?

Keywords are the most important part of your website. They’re the words that people use to search for things online, and they’re also what other websites rank for in their search results.

In order to optimise your site for maximum visibility, you need to know what keywords people type into Google when they do a search on your domain name (e.g., “website optimisation”). 

You can get this information by analysing how many times each keyword appears on other sites that link back to yours—or by measuring how, many unique visitors click through from those links and make purchases or sign up as subscribers!

Tips for optimising your website for the best results

As anyone who has ever tried to create a website knows, making sure it is visible to potential customers is only half the battle. Once you have traffic, you need to ensure that your site is designed to optimise conversions. Here are a few tips for doing just that:

– Use clear and concise headlines and subheadings to guide visitors through your content.

– Use images and videos to break up text and add visual interest.

– Use calls to action to encourage visitors to take the next step.

– Keep your forms short and easy to fill out.

– Include customer testimonials and reviews.

– Make sure your site is mobile-friendly.

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your website is not only visible but also effective in converting visitors into customers.

How to track your website’s progress and measure its success

If you want to know how your site is performing, there are a number of tools that can help. The first step is to use Google Analytics. 

This free service provides information about traffic and visitors coming from search engines, as well as which pages are being viewed most often. 

You can also see which keywords have been used in the past few months, which searches people have made on your site, and how many times they’ve clicked through from one page to another (with each click counted separately).

Next up: keyword research! There are many different tools available online—some free and some paid—that allows you to analyse data related specifically to keywords related specifically to those same words or phrases within articles or posts on other websites like yours.


We hope this article has given you a better understanding of how optimisation for multiple pages can affect your website’s ranking on Google. If you’re still unsure whether or not to optimise your site, we recommend that you contact us for more information and advice on what works best for your business. We’d be happy to help!