Why You Should Have Professional Mechanics Change Your Car’s Oil?

Have you ever wondered why it’s so important to have your car’s oil changed? Or, if you’ve ever asked yourself why Professional Mechanics Christchurch at a dealership or repair shop can perform this task better than you can?

Reasons to change vehicle oil regularly:

Well, I’m here to tell you that there are many reasons. But first, let’s talk about what happens when we don’t change our car’s oil in time.


The main reason to have your car serviced by a professional is that they’re trained to do it, and they have the right tools. Professionals know which parts need to be replaced and how often certain services are due.

For example, an Oil Change Chch every three months can help keep your engine lubricated and running smoothly. It also prevents wear and tear on moving parts, reduces friction between metal surfaces, and prevents corrosion from forming under the hood.

When you take your car to a professional for maintenance, they can also spot any problems with the vehicle. This is especially important if you’ve just purchased it or if it has been sitting for an extended period of time.

When you bring your car to a professional for maintenance, they can spot potential problems with the vehicle. This is especially important if you’ve just purchased it or if it has been sitting for an extended period of time.

Improving Efficiency

You can also improve fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, and improve engine performance. If you don’t get your oil changed regularly, it can lead to costly repairs further down the line.

Additionally, if you let your car go too long without changing its oil and filter, you will be using more of your vehicle’s resources to do so much more work that is needed only in extreme circumstances.

This means that instead of just being able to coast down hills or accelerate quickly on a freeway ramp when passing another car – which would still cause some wear on internal components – those same parts will have been put through far more stress than they were designed for while driving normally around town or making trips downtown during rush hour traffic jams (the worst).

Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance is one of the most important things you can do to keep your car happy and healthy, and oil changes are an important part of preventative maintenance.

Oil changes are good for your car’s longevity because they help it run efficiently. The oil circulates through your engine, keeping it clean and lubricated from top to bottom. As the oil does its job over time, it gets dirty.

A dirty engine means that parts aren’t getting as much lubrication as they need; this leads to wear on those parts, which can make them fail prematurely (and cost you big bucks!).


And if you’re worried about the cost of having your car’s oil changed, remember that it’s a small price to pay for the amount of money you’ll save on repairs down the road. So do yourself a favour and have your car serviced regularly by a professional Mechanics Christchurch!